Daycare centers can be safe havens for bacteria and viruses due to a wide range of issues, including:
- Regular interpersonal contact between children and adults
- Small children and hygiene inconsistencies.
- Additionally, viruses and bacteria that cause illnesses, such as ear infections and strep throat, can linger on surfaces such as cribs, toys and books that hold onto bacteria causing ear infections, strep throat, and more.
In a recent study, researchers found that in the daycare center they examined, four of five stuffed toys were contaminated with S. pneumoniae, a leading cause of ear infections in children. The bacteria can also lead to dangerous respiratory tract infections in children and older people.
Also, several surfaces, including cribs that had been cleaned, were contaminated with S. pyogenes, a bacteria that commonly causes strep throat and skin infections in school-children and can cause serious infection in adults.
Kids age 5 to 17 catch anywhere from seven to 12 colds each year and end up missing school by the millions. The U.S.
Centers for Disease Control estimates that nearly 22 million school days are lost due to the common cold, and as many as 38 million school days are missed due to the flu.
Because of budget cuts across the country, school custodians are sweeping, vacuuming, and taking out the trash, but rarely have the time or tools to properly clean “high contact points” that are in constant use and have the most bacteria growth. The reality is, something can look clean, but it can still have thousands bacteria or viruses on the surface.
Mr. Microbe uses a totally green sanitizing solution to eliminate mold, mildew, and other harmful viral/bacterial infections. Our revolutionary Application Process is applied electrostatically to ensure 100% coverage to help foster the health, safety and well-being of your students and staff.