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Enterovirus Vs. Mr. Microbe

Advances in medical technology have virtually eliminated many different diseases in the modern era. Polio, measles, mumps and similar diseases have been almost eradicated thanks to vaccines and modern medical practices. But with every medical advance, a new virus or strain of bacteria becomes an issue. Something that is beginning to concern many people in the Midwest is the emergence of a new virus.

Doctors have discovered a rise in Acute Flaccid Myelitis, or AFM, in the past year. AFM causes muscle weakness and limb paralysis with symptoms similar to polio. This is a very serious condition that appears to be in the rise. During 2016, the Center for Disease Control has confirmed 50 cases of AFM across 24 states, a rise from 21 the previous year. AFM is caused by a strain of enterovirus that was discovered as recently as 2014. Since this time, this polio-like illness has infected and paralyzed 120 children.

While enteroviruses are common and usually cause milder illnesses like respiratory infections and colds, this strain is much more dangerous. While AFM is a rare complication, it can cause serious health issues in children and should be taken seriously. AFM is incredibly hazardous and should be prevented at all costs.

There are no vaccines for this strain of enterovirus, so the best defense is keeping good hygiene. Hand washing, covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and not going to work or school when sick are all good ideas, but don’t overlook protecting your home as well.

Mr. Microbe to the Rescue

Enteroviruses like those that cause AFM are spread when someone touches a surface that includes the virus like desks, countertops, appliances, etc. In addition to handwashing, disinfecting your home or business will also help prevent the spread of this dangerous virus. Mr. Microbe’s spray application process protects hard and soft surfaces in your home with a high quality disinfectant. Protect your home or business from bacteria, viruses, and dangerous diseases like AFM with the quality disinfectant abilities of Mr. Microbe. Keep your home or business safe and protected against enterovirus with Mr. Microbe and get the peace of mind you deserve. For more information, visit Mr. Microbe

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