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The Difference Between Cleaning and Disinfecting

In modern society, keeping your environment as clean as possible is extremely important. From everyday spaces in your home to more stringent environments like healthcare facilities, everyone needs to be aware that germs, bacteria, and viruses are around every turn. Keeping sickness at bay is a full time job, but it’s one that’s worthwhile. But in your pursuit of protection, there are some things you desperately need to know. In addition to proper cleaning procedures, you also need to know the difference between “clean” and “disinfected”. On face value, they both appear to mean the same thing.

But they’re not.

There are distinct differences between cleaning an area and truly disinfecting it. Differences that are extremely important if you’re trying to protect your home or business from germs, bacteria, viruses, and more. With that in mind, let’s look the differences between cleaning and disinfecting.


The term “clean” refers to removing dirt, dust, or other imperfections from a surface. Cleaning is used on a base level to remove dirt, dust, and more from your hands, clothing, and environment. On a basic level, everyone knows what cleaning implies. We all clean our homes, clothes, and maintain personal cleanliness. Cleaning is a vital part of keeping spaces safer for people who regularly use them. But while cleaning your environment will get rid of the easy germs, it doesn’t quite do the whole job. Cleaning is a good first step, but it should be followed up by disinfecting, which completes the intended job. To truly protect your environment, you need to clean your space THEN disinfect it.



Disinfection is the final, and most important, part of this process. Cleaning removes foreign material, but it’s simply the first step to allow disinfection to fully work. Disinfecting your home, business, school, healthcare facility, office, and more is a vital part of protecting your building from germs, harmful bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew, superbugs, and much more. Cleaning your space isn’t enough, you need to disinfect it as well.

Mr. Microbe Disinfects

By using Mr. Microbe disinfectant spray, you’re protecting your building with an unrivaled disinfectant. Our superior spray application works to disinfect your space, eliminate germs, harmful bacteria, viruses, antibiotic resistant bacteria, mold, mildew, and more. Disinfect your environment with Mr. Microbe and protect your space from everything that threatens it. With Mr. Microbe, you can disinfect your environment and protect it with unrivaled strength. Call us today for a FREE in-home testing and see what Mr. Microbe can do for you.

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